标题:Beautiful Bund 出处:下一站幸福 时间:Sun, 03 Oct 2010 12:31:23 +0000 作者:wangqin 地址:https://www.wangqin.cc/post/3/ 内容: 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 https://www.wangqin.cc/attachment.php?fid=5 Bund 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 https://www.wangqin.cc/attachment.php?fid=6 Bund After the long journey, We gather together for a while. We stood in the beauty of the bund. The excitement and carefree really rare! Let us use pictures record of wonderful memories. We should do friends forever. We wish all of the future, and we must all happiness! Generated by Bo-blog 2.1.1 Release